We have an older guide that's excerpted below here. Underground Web World defies a current political agenda to control reproductive health and sexual freedom in the U.S. This is our guide to navigating America's puritanical minefield.
Pucker Up: Tristan Taormino's Sex Positive Salon
The Beautiful Kind: A Sex Positive Blog
Sex At Dawn
This book discusses how the sex lives of our
ancestors were very
different from what we experience today.
Throughout the
majority of human history, promiscuity for
men and women were normal parts of
Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex
Now available in paperback, Judith Levine's
controversial book challenges
attitudes towards child and adolescent
sexuality-especially attitudes
by a Christian right that has
effectively conrolled how sex is taught in public schools.
We are fighting a cultural and personal battle. All should know what works for them.
- These quirky but informative videos are for youth who want the 101.
Differentiating Fake
Women's Health Centers From Abortion Providers
- This Crisis Pregnancy Center Map is a life-saving list.
Free Sexual Health Resources
- The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) is a non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting
an integrative approach to sexual health research, education
and intervention that addresses the full spectrum, from problematic
attitudes and behaviors
to the pursuit of fulfillment, freedom and pleasure."
How Vibrators Became America's Favorite Toy (Podcast Transcript)
Hallie Lieberman
authored a genius history on vibrators, sex toys and their long history.
Reproductive Glossary (Planned Parenthood)
- "sex ed for the real world!"/comprehensive education for teenagers and
young adults
Sex, Etc.
- more well-rounded learning
Sex-Positive Europe
- Sex-Positive
Book List
Sexy Safe Sex Toolkit (The Pleasure Project)
Top-Paying Jobs That Put Sex And Intimacy At The Forefront
Your Sex Life Doesn't Have to Suffer During Menopause
Aging and sex-positive? HealthDay's tips on menopausal pleasure can
Lawmakers are banning many gender-defying and pleasure-centric activities. Stay informed.
Legal Status of Global Homosexuality
The Online Christian Counterinsurgency Against Sex Workers (The Intercept, 07-29-23)
Gender & Sexuality Justice (Amnesty International, 07-14-23)
Daily Wire's Michael Knowles Attacks The Constitutional Right to Contraception
(Media Matters for America, 07-10-23)
- A popular conservative pundit is threatened by sexual nuance and rights for
LGBTQIA Americans.
‘The sex ed class you wish you’d had’: The Influencer Doctors (The Guardian, 07-07-23)
Pornhub Blocks Access to Virginia Users Based on Age Verification Law (The Virginian-Pilot, 06-29-23)
Instagram Is Removing Sex-Positive Accounts Without Warning (WIRED, 06-29-23)
Sex, Drugs and Burning Man (American Magazine, 02-17-23)
Have More Sex, Please! (The New York Times, 02-13-23)
There Is No Dignity in This Kind of America
(The New York Times, 02-10-23)
"The attacks on transgender people and L.G.B.T.Q. rights are of a
piece with the attack on abortion and reproductive rights.
It is a singular assault on the bodily autonomy of all Americans."
Sex Workers Warned Us About The US Right–Now It’s Time To Listen (Dazed Digital, 06-28-22)
About 5% of Young Adults in the U.S. Say Their Gender Is Different From Their Sex (Pew Research Center, 06-07-22)
Center for Reproductive Rights
D.C. Sex Worker Advocates Coalition (HIPS)
If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
National Harm Reduction Coalition
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Sex Workers Project (Urban Justice)